Thankful Thursday

Welcome to November! The month when autumn hits its beautiful peak. The smells, the weather, the suddenly festive air overshadowing everything all speak of crisp, frosty days to come. I love this time of year more than any other.

Thanksgiving is coming upon us soon, my menu is planned, invitations are being extended, and best of all: My mom and dad will be here for a whole week, along with my precious nephew! The only person missing will be my sister, Trina, who can’t afford the week off from work to accompany her son. I cannot believe she is sacrificing Thanksgiving with her little boy so he can go to “Codowado”. I am humbly grateful for her decision to send her little man to us – I don’t think I could do the same.

I am so thankful God has provided the means for them to visit us, and I’m thankful that we will somehow find nooks and crannies to tuck everyone in. What a cozily crowded house we will have this year! I love a packed house on Thanksgiving, and all that goes with it. It’s exhausting and exhilarating to me.

I am so thankful my fridge and pantry are full to bursting, and that I don’t have to be concerned for them ever becoming empty. What an incredible privilege to have plenty! May I never take it for granted!

I’m planning out Christmas gifts, and looking for the perfect Christmas cards to send out. I’m thankful for a very good friend, who is going to take our family portraits this year. Really soon, I hope!

I am thankful for an amazing deal on Snapfish, which will enable me to get Christmas gifts for both sets of grandparents in a way that should actually fit within my budget for them this year!!! I’d share it with you, but I don’t want to give it away.

I am just thankful today. Thankful to be alive, healthy, and part of the luscious world around me, bursting with life and joy and wind and rain and song. I am thankful for poetry, music, and art. Even the messy, finger paint kind.

I am thankful for cozy bathrobes, hot coffee, a full bookshelf, and my Happy Fun Mix.

May you find oodles to be thankful for this fine fall day!

November’s host is Laurie at Women Taking a Stand – thank you for hosting, Laurie! I look forward to another month of thankful posts! To get the code for the button, just click on the button – it should take you to the right page.

What are YOU thankful for today? Quick! Name a blessing – any blessing – in your life today!

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. Enjoyed your happy post! I’m excited about Thanksgiving as well.

    We are in the middle of moving (hoping to get to close soon) and I was thinking how we need to take our family pictures. Not sure when plus most of our long sleeved clothes we’d wear for the picture are in storage!


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