Thankful Thursday ~ New Starts

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. ~Psalm 28:7 (NIV – emphasis mine)

Today is a day for song. Yesterday was terrible, and the rest of my week has been more hectic than I like. Sometimes, words alone are not enough. I find myself wanting to blast some loud and raucous praise and worship music, so I can sing along, and enjoy the fresh start God has given me today.

So, this week, I am thankful…

…that “I am helped,” just because I asked. My heart does, indeed, leap for joy this morning as I realize I get yet another do-over today! Even more, I don’t have to do it all by myself. I can trust in the Lord, lean on His great arms, take shelter, and let Him work in me and through me.

…that cleaning my house can be an act of worship.

…that homeschooling my kids can be an act of worship. It’s all in my heart and my attitude.

…for Christian radio, and the songs that seem to come on at just the right time.

…that God blessed with enough money in our tax return to replace our falling-down fence, and our leaky, mildew-producing windows.

…that my children are so forgiving of their Mommy’s faults, and that I can teach them through my own mistakes. Also, that I am learning from their outstanding ability to forgive unconditionally, and take me as I am. What a lesson!

…for the bright blue sky on this first day of Autumn!

…for the chance of rain this day may bring, despite the blue sky.

…for the three-year-old boy who just crawled up next to me and cuddled me, just for a moment.

…for the class full of young and eager learners in my childbirth education class at the Pregnancy Center. That they all seem to have a sense of humor.

…that I can cut my teeth on a class that isn’t paying me. Poor, lovely, guinea pigs!!! I’m so glad they’re willing to have me teach and learn as I go.

…that I love learning, and don’t mind making mistakes.

…for little kisses from little lips.

Well, I suppose I should stop, and save some for next Thursday! If you’d like to participate, just click on the button at the top of this post, or in the sidebar. Thanks, Iris, for hosting this week!

  • If you’re not a blogger, but want to participate, just leave a comment here, and tell me what you’re thankful for this week. If you do decide to participate this week, leave a link in your comment, so I can stop by and read your list today. God bless!!!

4 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday ~ New Starts

  1. Wow…great list. I’m thinking your deductions must be way out of date to have such a happy tax return. BUT…happy dance for house repairs…it feels so good doesn’t it.


    • Not really, no. We’ve had our return since March. It just takes us a long while to decide what to do with it every year. 🙂


  2. Hi there, Loved your list and I join you in cranking up the praise/worship music-good days and bad. You have a full life and I can see you love Him which spills out here. So glad to have met you through Iris. Have a blessed Friday and weekend.


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