Who, me? Really?


This little shout-out came from my double-cousin-in-law (don’t ask), Abbie, over at Second Star to the Right, and Straight On Til Morning. I’ve always enjoyed visiting her blog, because being part of my family, she makes me feel like I’m home. Not to mention all the amazing things she does with her kids. I run out of breath thinking about it!

Thank you, Abbie, for passing on this award to me – I’m humbled that you, of all people, think I’m creative!

Here are the rules for this here shindig:
List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 people…tagging them and letting them know they won!

You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard, letting the whole wide world know you are KREATIV!

Seven Things I Love:
(In no particular order.)
1) Feeling the presence of Almighty God in my home everyday…even though I don’t deserve it. I don’t know how anyone lives without Him.
2) Chocolate. The darker, the better.
3) Birth, and everything about it.
4) Expressing myself through words, both written and spoken.
5) Scrapbooking, even though I’m a solid year behind.
6) Hospitality. I absolutely love opening my home to friends, family, and even the occasional stranger!
7) Reading. I am a complete and total bookworm!

Alrighty…now for the seven blogs I want to nominate as rather Kreativ folks.
Again, in no particular order.
1) Grace Violet. (I’ve bookmarked half her pages!)
2) Stuff Christians Like. Jon’s creativity is all in his slightly skewed view of Christian culture. (Which we all know to be true…)
3) Skip to My Lou. I learned how to make crayon rolls from her.
4) Sew, Mama, Sew. I want to make some of these cuties.
5) Twelve22. She taught me how to make these, and I made them for all the gals in my family for Christmas!
6) Puking Pastilles. Neat-o superhero cape tutorial sucked me in.
7) And last, but not least, I couldn’t post this without giving a shout-out to my other cousin-in-law, Beth, and her partner in crime, Shae. Seams Sew Neat Creations. It’s not so much a blog, but it’s stinkin’ KREATIV!

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